Rules that must be posted
Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
Go to their page and tell them you have linked him or her.
No tag backs.
No stuff in the tagging section about 'you are tagged if you are reading this.' You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
11 facts about me!
1) I’m over talktive. Seriously, as in the first lyric of “Perfect” (Jessie J). Funny fact: my friends and family LOVE that! Because they say that I kind of “bring people together”.
2) I always listen to music when I get emotional and make my own music videos. And to be honest they’re WAY better than the original lol.
3) I’m a very social person. Sometimes my friends get mad at me because I don’t spend enough time with them, because of my “other” friends. Ok, that was a weird sentence lol.
4) Although I play “hard to get” and I’m kind of an icequeen when it comes to guys. I’m the most romantic person you’ve ever met.
5) I’m a dreamer. And I do things people are afraid of. Like “standing out”, and following my dreams. I don’t want to be ordinairy, I’m happy to be “different”.
6) I believe in magic. Not witchy-crap but in real magic, like miracles ;)
7) I loved Hilary Duff from the first Lizzie McGuire episode untill now. Yup, fan forever ;)
8) I write songs and sing. When I sing to myself I’m like “nothing special”, but when I sing while someone’s listening I’m like “Wow, I sound good!” Maybe I need to see a doctor?
9) I have an arabic name. Wich means “ honest, faithful” describes me perfectly ;)
10) I’m in LOVE with nailpolish.
11) When I get really excited. I start screaming and jumping around like a little kid.
Questions I have to answer
1) What’s your favourite colour and why?
My favourite colour is red. I don’t know I think it’s a “powerful” colour and I get excited when I see it.
2) If you could date any celebrity right now (or characters) who would it be?
Damon Salvatore/ So Yi Jung. If you watched TVD than you’ll know Lexie. I think I would want to be a Lexie, a best friend who would bring his “humanity” back. So bye bye Casanova, hello nice guy!
3) What is your most embarrasing school story?
When my skirt teared while I was running after my friend and I fell. My teacher had to sew it back together. That was sooooooooooooo not cool haha.
4) Have you ever regretted something you’ve done? What is it? If you could go back in time what would you have changed?
When I ignored my best friend for 2 years because he was acting like a jerk. The popular guy story ;). Anyway I wouldn’t change it. Because he has learned his lesson.
5) What is the origin of your name?
6) What websites do you visit most often?
a) Facebook
b) Blogger
c) Cucirca/Kimchidrama/Youtube
7) What would your perfect day be like?
Waking up while everyone is sleeping and having breakfast with the radio on (I like to be alone in the morning lol). Going on a trip with my friends and having fun. Having a sleepover at my place with cheesy movies and popcorn. Life’s good!
8) What is the most interesting place you’ve travelled to before?
P.A.R.I.S. <3 I don’t have to explain right? ;)
9) Chocolate or candy? Why?
Chocolate because it tastes better AND I live in the land of chocolate.
10) Have you broken bones before? If so how? No.
11) As a child what did you want to be when you grow up?
An artist. I think.
That was LONG lol but fun ;) Thanx Yoyo ;)
My Questions
1) Who is your (celebrity) rolemodel? Why?
2) What is the colour of your nailpolish right now?
3) Have you met Mr. Right? How?
4) What is your favourite drama/ show? Why?
5) What is your favourite song?
6) What is your dream job? Why?
7) What is your favourite school subject? Why?
8) If you could be someone else for one day, who would you want to be? Why?
9) What habit do you hate (about other people)?
10) When do you know you’re in love?
11) What is the key to your heart?
People I’ve tagged (:
There is something WRONG with my laptop ;s It just doesn't want to tag anyone jheezz! Anyway, this was fun!