
You know this person your whole life and then it changes. You can’t explain it but it feels like you’ve grown up and this person has not. Now I do understand the saying “you should grow together”. Because if you don’t you’ll just grow apart. And the worst of all is you can’t explain it to the other person because they don’t understand. 
Funny isn’t it? How one moment can change everything. All you thought you knew is disappearing. And you feel this hole inside of you. And no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do it doesn’t change. 
It doesn’t go back to how it was before. So you just start avoiding it. Running away. And then you feel guilty but you can’t go back because you already made your choice. 
But we all make mistakes and we all get second chances, we do. If you really want to change something or apologize it’s never too late for that. And sometimes it’s just better to let go then to keep holding on. Sometimes it’s something you can’t fix it. It's broken.

And then you need to make a decision. A decision for yourself, not to please your family or friends or your boyfriend/girlfriend. You have to make decisions for yourself, so you can finally breathe easy. I have a problem with the last one. 
Whenever I would make a decision I would make it to make everyone comfortable, everyone except of me. But that needs to end. And it’s gonna end. Today. 
And if I fail so what? I’m not perfect and I don’t want to be. I just don’t want to apologize anymore, because no one has ever apologized to me for what they did wrong. 
And maybe you reader should do that too? Stop listening to what people tell you to do or what you feel like you have to do because you have to it’s not something you can decide. 
Don’t go blame others with “ it’s your fault, because you said it was the right thing to do” or start feeling guilty because it's not what people are expecting from you. 
It’s your life so make something out of it. And screw all the people who think the opposite. It’s your choice. You’ve to make it and no one else.

Make sure you enjoy it,ok?

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