What doesn't kill you makes a fighter ;)

You'll meet new people in life, you will. You'll fall in love again, I promise.

But to do that you need to learn to let go of things and people in life. Like that saying "Don't cry. Because you won't be able to see the stars (through your tears?)". Anyway something like that lol .

The thing is you wouldn't be YOU if you would be perfect and never ever make mistakes, never regret anything or have any memories.

Shit happens. But doesn't it make you so much stronger?

I don't know what will happen next. And you know what? I don't even want to.

Live today, stop caring for the boy who never really liked you for YOU, stop caring for that bitchy so called best friend! Care for yourself, for one moment look into the mirror and decide...

Who do YOU want to be? What do YOU want in life? How do YOU want people to treat you? But most important: who should stay, and who should not...
If you waste time on people who don't care for you, you'll get hurt. Really badly. So wake up and see the truth. Stay with those who love you for who you are and who care ;).

Stay strong,


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