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The Empty-Minded
So I'm reading this book now Cecelia Ahern's Where the rainbows end, I just love it! I was dancing around the room on Taylor Swift songs after I read the first 20 pages!
Seriously, it got me thinking -it's about two best friends who grew up with each other and are in love with each other but kinda do not know it/want it- they end up living two completely different lives and they're still best friends. Dreams change, friends are forever!
Tomorrow I'm heading to my friends brand new store opening: AGSESALI! I love that girl, she's amazing. She's one of the few people I know who actually followed her dreams. So probably will show you some pics guys ;). I also went shopping this Friday, don't even ask how much money I spend in exactly 45 minutes haha.I love how you write the days of the week in capital letters in the English language lol.
I broke my nose and it still hurts but you already know that so why the hell am I repeating it? I don't know what I'm gonna do the next two weeks, seems like all my friends are making plans with me and I'm just like 'uh ok' but I always forget to actually meet up so I need to work on that one. I also got the new Cosmogirl today whoop whoop!
Ok, I'm sorry for being so boring but I'm kinda empty minded right now...
OMG! Completely forgot to tell you! I have to make a movie for my finale exams (Latin), I have to write the script,do the design, make-up, EVERYTHING! I'll keep you notified about that,... it's always been a dream to make a movie but like, not so fast lol.
Seriously, it got me thinking -it's about two best friends who grew up with each other and are in love with each other but kinda do not know it/want it- they end up living two completely different lives and they're still best friends. Dreams change, friends are forever!
Tomorrow I'm heading to my friends brand new store opening: AGSESALI! I love that girl, she's amazing. She's one of the few people I know who actually followed her dreams. So probably will show you some pics guys ;). I also went shopping this Friday, don't even ask how much money I spend in exactly 45 minutes haha.
I broke my nose and it still hurts but you already know that so why the hell am I repeating it? I don't know what I'm gonna do the next two weeks, seems like all my friends are making plans with me and I'm just like 'uh ok' but I always forget to actually meet up so I need to work on that one. I also got the new Cosmogirl today whoop whoop!
Ok, I'm sorry for being so boring but I'm kinda empty minded right now...
OMG! Completely forgot to tell you! I have to make a movie for my finale exams (Latin), I have to write the script,do the design, make-up, EVERYTHING! I'll keep you notified about that,... it's always been a dream to make a movie but like, not so fast lol.
Muchos amor,
On Repeat: Love me for me -Cher lloyd
Phone rings
Don’t Wanna Pick It Up
I’m So Scared
I’m Gonna Say Too Much
I Tip Toe Around Your Questions
Why You Gotta Dig So Deep?
I’m So Scared
I’m Gonna Say Too Much
I Tip Toe Around Your Questions
Why You Gotta Dig So Deep?
Tears Fall
And The Glasses Break
Inside These Walls
The Floor Boards Shake
From Outside
It’s Alright
Long As You Looking From Fifty Feet
And The Glasses Break
Inside These Walls
The Floor Boards Shake
From Outside
It’s Alright
Long As You Looking From Fifty Feet
I Been Trying Trying
Hold My Head Up High
I Been Lying Lying
Keeping It All Inside
Trying Not To Trust You, Yeah
Take Another Leaf, I’m Broke Yeah Yeah???
Hold My Head Up High
I Been Lying Lying
Keeping It All Inside
Trying Not To Trust You, Yeah
Take Another Leaf, I’m Broke Yeah Yeah???
I’m Done, I Give Up
I Don’t Wanna Pretend No More
That’s It, So What
I’ve Lost A Friend Before
Gonna Say It Like It Is
No More Wondering What If
That Ain’t The Way You Oughta Live
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
I Don’t Wanna Pretend No More
That’s It, So What
I’ve Lost A Friend Before
Gonna Say It Like It Is
No More Wondering What If
That Ain’t The Way You Oughta Live
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wan’ Love Me For Me
If You Don’t Wan’ Love Me For Me
A Doll House Is All That You Could See
But It’s So Far From My Reality
I Got Problems, I Got Issues
Sometimes It’s All Too Much For Me
Wrap It Up With A Pretty Little Bow
But There Are Some Things You Can’t Sugarcoat
Give It To You Anyway
Even Though It Won’t Taste So Sweet
But It’s So Far From My Reality
I Got Problems, I Got Issues
Sometimes It’s All Too Much For Me
Wrap It Up With A Pretty Little Bow
But There Are Some Things You Can’t Sugarcoat
Give It To You Anyway
Even Though It Won’t Taste So Sweet
I Been Trying Trying
Hold My Head Up High
I Been Lying Lying
Keeping It All Inside
Maybe I Could Trust You, Yeah
Take Another Leaf, I’m Broke Yeah Yeah???
Hold My Head Up High
I Been Lying Lying
Keeping It All Inside
Maybe I Could Trust You, Yeah
Take Another Leaf, I’m Broke Yeah Yeah???
I’m Done, I Give Up
I Don’t Wanna Pretend No More
That’s It, So What
I’ve Lost A Friend Before
Gonna Say It Like It Is
No More Wondering What If
That Ain’t The Way You Oughta Live
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
I Don’t Wanna Pretend No More
That’s It, So What
I’ve Lost A Friend Before
Gonna Say It Like It Is
No More Wondering What If
That Ain’t The Way You Oughta Live
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
Sick Of All The Fighting
All The Slamming Of The Doors
The Pain, The Parents, Too Deep You Know
Step Back, Step Back
Can You See It Through My Eyes?
I Know, I Know
Maybe A Surprise
Don’t Wanna Be Perceived For Something That I’m Not
Just Wanna Be Accepted For The Little That I Got
If You Could See Me Now In My Glass House
Not Ready To Let You In
All The Slamming Of The Doors
The Pain, The Parents, Too Deep You Know
Step Back, Step Back
Can You See It Through My Eyes?
I Know, I Know
Maybe A Surprise
Don’t Wanna Be Perceived For Something That I’m Not
Just Wanna Be Accepted For The Little That I Got
If You Could See Me Now In My Glass House
Not Ready To Let You In
I’m Done, I Give Up
I Don’t Wanna Pretend No More
That’s It, So What
I’ve Lost A Friend Before
Gonna Say It Like It Is
No More Wondering What If
That Ain’t The Way You Oughta Live
Cos I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
I Don’t Wanna Pretend No More
That’s It, So What
I’ve Lost A Friend Before
Gonna Say It Like It Is
No More Wondering What If
That Ain’t The Way You Oughta Live
Cos I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
Cause I Don’t Want You To Love Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
If You Don’t Wanna Love Me For Me
Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting anything for like forever! I just...ok I don't know how to say this...ehum ok I BROKE MY NOSE! ;s
Yup, that's right I broke it,I'm such an idiot. Anyway I'm okay and my nose still hurts a bit but I'm gonna be fine ;) I seriously laughed and cried like crazy, I was hyper haha I feel much better now.

Something's so wrong these days I'm really depressed. It's like everything's going wrong yeah to much going on 'on 'on hmmm ok I just wrote lyrics for my next song haha.
My friends keep asking me what's wrong. The truth is I don't know...I just stopped answering their calls, stopped laughing, stopped LIVING. Which is not normal 'cause I'm the biggest pink bubble you'll ever meet.
But I feel like there's this emptiness inside of me and it doesn't want to heal. I'm a total wreck.
I sleep a lot but still I feel so tired I almost fall asleep in class haha ok that only happened in math class lol.
Anyway I hate this feeling, I hate being a zombie no offense zombies are cool lol kidding ;)

Sorry for not posting anything for like forever! I just...ok I don't know how to say this...ehum ok I BROKE MY NOSE! ;s
Yup, that's right I broke it,
Something's so wrong these days I'm really depressed. It's like everything's going wrong yeah to much going on 'on 'on hmmm ok I just wrote lyrics for my next song haha.
My friends keep asking me what's wrong. The truth is I don't know...I just stopped answering their calls, stopped laughing, stopped LIVING. Which is not normal 'cause I'm the biggest pink bubble you'll ever meet.
But I feel like there's this emptiness inside of me and it doesn't want to heal. I'm a total wreck.
I sleep a lot but still I feel so tired I almost fall asleep in class haha ok that only happened in math class lol.
Anyway I hate this feeling, I hate being a zombie no offense zombies are cool lol kidding ;)
So, only 24 hours to go and I won't have to go to school anymore ok I have vacation for like two weeks but '"won't have to go anymore" sounds better right?
See laterz' Alligators ;P
Miss Summer
I wonder why my parents didn't name me Summer...I mean I was born in August and I'm happy 24/7, I guess I'm a little, a lot hippie not that I take drugs haha I just love nature and dancing barefoot under the moonlight.
The weather is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing! The sun is shining and I just feel so happy, playing happy songs all day, singing and dancing like an idiot. Everyone is so pretty dressed in Spring/Summer.
The weather is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing! The sun is shining and I just feel so happy, playing happy songs all day, singing and dancing like an idiot. Everyone is so pretty dressed in Spring/Summer.
Wedges are a hype and to be honest I love them! They look so fashionable and are way more comfortable than high heels.
I love wearing dresses for Spring/Summer with a denim jacket, I wish I lived in LA and could wear dresses all year.
Or maxi-dresses! Ain't that like the best thing ever?!
Ok, now I to go shopping for new summer dresses haha shopaholic!
Much love,
Easy Ways to Get Moving for healthy Body
Easy Ways to Get Moving for healthy Body
You can do this by making your health your number one priority to start each and every day. No more excuses, no more putting yourself on the back burner while you take care of everyone else.
Walking for everybody

You can start by getting up out of that chair and simply walking for 15 minutes everyday. This will not cost you any money or any gym membership. Just get moving.
Bicep Curl for fitness

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Grip your band by the handles, with elbows in at your side. Start with your hands and waist level and slowly curl up the handle, keeping your wrists straight to isolate the bicep muscle. Repeat 8-12 times for beginners.
Plank Pose
Are you tired of doing sit-up after sit-up? A great and powerful move is the plank pose, which hits the core and fires every muscle that is connected to the core. It not only hits the core, but it will focus on the arms, chest and shoulders. When you attempt this move, don't be surprised when you also feel your glutes come into play. To do the plank pose, bring your head down in line with your spine. Then bring your knees off the floor and hold.
Triangle Yoga Poses
This move stretches the whole body from the tip of your fingers to your calf muscles. It opens up your chest and allows you to strengthen and lengthen your entire body. Focus on your breathing, and this pose will end up being of your favorites. Start out holding the triangle pose for 10 seconds. If you can, place your lower hand all the way to the floor. If you have difficulty, simply try a yoga block to assist with this move.
Tree Yoga Poses
If you are looking for overall balance and grace, the Tree Pose is a wonderful place to start. To make it easier, pick out a spot on the floor to look at to help you hold your balance. Start this pose by placing your foot beside your ankle. Focus on your breath, and slowly bring that foot to your calve, then to your knee, and finally up to your thigh, as the picture shows. This pose will increase your overall balance and peace. Relax and breathe.
You can do this by making your health your number one priority to start each and every day. No more excuses, no more putting yourself on the back burner while you take care of everyone else.
Walking for everybody

You can start by getting up out of that chair and simply walking for 15 minutes everyday. This will not cost you any money or any gym membership. Just get moving.
Bicep Curl for fitness
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Grip your band by the handles, with elbows in at your side. Start with your hands and waist level and slowly curl up the handle, keeping your wrists straight to isolate the bicep muscle. Repeat 8-12 times for beginners.
Plank Pose
Are you tired of doing sit-up after sit-up? A great and powerful move is the plank pose, which hits the core and fires every muscle that is connected to the core. It not only hits the core, but it will focus on the arms, chest and shoulders. When you attempt this move, don't be surprised when you also feel your glutes come into play. To do the plank pose, bring your head down in line with your spine. Then bring your knees off the floor and hold.
Triangle Yoga Poses
This move stretches the whole body from the tip of your fingers to your calf muscles. It opens up your chest and allows you to strengthen and lengthen your entire body. Focus on your breathing, and this pose will end up being of your favorites. Start out holding the triangle pose for 10 seconds. If you can, place your lower hand all the way to the floor. If you have difficulty, simply try a yoga block to assist with this move.
Tree Yoga Poses
If you are looking for overall balance and grace, the Tree Pose is a wonderful place to start. To make it easier, pick out a spot on the floor to look at to help you hold your balance. Start this pose by placing your foot beside your ankle. Focus on your breath, and slowly bring that foot to your calve, then to your knee, and finally up to your thigh, as the picture shows. This pose will increase your overall balance and peace. Relax and breathe.
Ever After
I don't believe in never ending love. I think you can love someone truly but if that person hurts you over and over again.Screws you over. Let's you down. It just stops.
And in that moment you realize you don't deserve this. Nobody does. So you pack your things, close the chapter and start all over again. Stronger.
I think it's one of the most beautiful things. You can see that girls' face shining, the hope in her eyes, the way she walks with her head up high. What doesn't kill makes you stronger, right?
And in that moment you realize you don't deserve this. Nobody does. So you pack your things, close the chapter and start all over again. Stronger.
I think it's one of the most beautiful things. You can see that girls' face shining, the hope in her eyes, the way she walks with her head up high. What doesn't kill makes you stronger, right?
So, I guess it's part of life. Surviving. Learning to dance in the storm. It's never easy but I know one thing for sure I want the memories to be worth the pain you feel when everything's over.If someone is not worth your tears you shouldn't let them in.
Whether it's about friendship or love.It doesn't really matter because it sucks when you care for someone who doesn't give a shit. And it's funny how you somehow keep the faith, somehow you hope that that person will change. But in the end you're left with nothing but that emptiness in your chest.
You feel so stupid afterwards. It hurts. But somehow you wake the next day and you just know that you will be okay. You find strength in the little things. You remember what it's like to be happy again. remember what it's like to be really happy. When nobody but yourself can influence the things you feel. When your happiness doesn't depend on someone's mood.
It takes time for wounds to heal and lessons to be learned but in the end it's worth every tear, scar and lonely night.
Stay strong,
On Repeat: Good Girl- Carrie Underwood
Hey, good girl
With your head in the clouds
I bet you I can tell you
What you’re thinkin' about
You'll see a good boy
Gonna give you the world
But he’s gonna leave you cryin'
With your heart in the dirt
His lips are dripping honey
But he’ll sting you like a bee
So lock up all your loving
Go and throw away the key
Hey good girl
Get out while you can
I know you think you got a good man
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go...
Better listen to me
He’s low, low, low...
Hey, good girl
You got a heart of gold
You want a white wedding
And a hand you can hold
Just like you should, girl
Like every good girl does
Want a fairytale ending, somebody to love
But he’s really good at lying
Yeah, he’ll leave you in the dust
'Cause when he says forever
Well, it don’t mean much
Hey good girl
So good for him
Better back away honey
You don’t know where he’s been
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go...
Yeah yeah yeah, he’s low
Yeah yeah yeah
He’s no good, girl
Why can’t you see?
He’ll take your heart and break it
Listen to me, yeah
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, he’s no good
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
He’s no good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes
With your head in the clouds
I bet you I can tell you
What you’re thinkin' about
You'll see a good boy
Gonna give you the world
But he’s gonna leave you cryin'
With your heart in the dirt
His lips are dripping honey
But he’ll sting you like a bee
So lock up all your loving
Go and throw away the key
Hey good girl
Get out while you can
I know you think you got a good man
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go...
Better listen to me
He’s low, low, low...
Hey, good girl
You got a heart of gold
You want a white wedding
And a hand you can hold
Just like you should, girl
Like every good girl does
Want a fairytale ending, somebody to love
But he’s really good at lying
Yeah, he’ll leave you in the dust
'Cause when he says forever
Well, it don’t mean much
Hey good girl
So good for him
Better back away honey
You don’t know where he’s been
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
No good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes and go, go, go...
Yeah yeah yeah, he’s low
Yeah yeah yeah
He’s no good, girl
Why can’t you see?
He’ll take your heart and break it
Listen to me, yeah
Why, why you gotta be so blind?
Won’t you open your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, he’s no good
Won’t you open up your eyes?
It’s just a matter of time 'til you find
He’s no good, girl
He’s no good for you
You better get to getting on your goodbye shoes
Fight Back
I mean WHAT THE HELL? Seriously what kinda teacher does that? Exactly...
So after that she (teacher or let me call her 'The Bitch') even swept her chair away and my classmate fell, she (my classmate) slapped her in the face
So yesterday we (our class) didn't go to class because we were shocked that Bitch didn't get fired and we went to the principal with the entire class but our principal was nowhere to be found, as usual.
Today there was this guy who wanted to "talk" with our entire class. READ: he was trying to make our classmate look guilty.
I just ran out of class... I mean our teacher was lying about everything and I just couldn't take it anymore. Funny isn't it? I'm never ever impolite to teachers, I always respect them they love me haha. But I can't take the fact that they act like little kids, instead of apologizing she makes up the whole story blaming my classmate, I mean we were there, we SAW everything. What the hell does she thinks she's doing? Anyway adults suck.
After that our class teacher (ok, she's just a bitch in general she likes to ridicule people for 'fun') was like: "I don't want to see you (the class) today, because you dissapointed me when you didn't want to come to class yesterday!" I mean HELLO we were at the prinipal's office and we went to her class AFTER that ok, we were a little late but she wasn't mad yesterday. Can she get any more hypocrite?!
So, still can't believe this damn!
Anyway screw the haters.
The cutest thing was when the other teacher like 'picked us up' because that bitch didn't want to see us anymore. She was like: "Honestly...I know I'm not supposed to say this but...I really think it's amazing how you stood up for your classmate. It's amazing to see a REAL class. Don't let them get you"
5 Ways to Work Your Core
5 Ways to Work Your Core
Here are fives ways to help you develop the waist that you've been working towards. Once you've already begun to clean up your diet, your next step is to start an exercise routine .
Before you begin, set some goals for yourself
I will workout 5 days a week for at least 30-45 minutes.
I will clean up my diet by cutting back on sugars, salts, and fats.
I will invest in myself.
1. Bicycle Maneuver
Lay down on your back, and place your hands gently behind your head. Slowly bend your knees until your right elbow meets your left knee. Then slowly release. Repeat the process by moving your left elbow to your right knee, and then release. For starters, try this exercise 12 times for one set.
Crunches on Exercise Ball
This particular exercise helps you stabilize your entire muscle groups, and the core is engaged to do the work. Lay down with your mid-back on the ball. Place your hands behind your head, elbows out. Your legs should be out (like a sitting position with legs bent) to help you stabilize the ball. Slowly crunch yourself up, and hold for 3 seconds at the top. Then slowly release back to your starting position. This steps are repeat 12 time .
Vertical Leg Crunch
Lay down with your legs extended up to the ceiling. Place your hands behind your head, and lift up your upper body off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds, and then slowly release back to the starting position. Once again, start out doing 12 reps. Do 1-3 sets, and increase to 15 reps as you get stronger.
Torso Track
To execute this exercise, purchase an ab wheel from any fitness store. The wheel is a very small investment, but you'll be happy with it's return. Grasp the wheel by the handles, and place your knees down on the floor. Slowly extend your body out by rolling the wheel. Once extended, slowly bring yourself to the starting position. This exercise hits all your core muscles. Start out with 8-12 times
Long Arm Crunch
Lay down as if you are going to perform a regular sit-up crunch, but extend your arms above your head. Use your ab muscles to lift your yourself up, leading with your hands and arms. This position may seem awkward at first, but with time and practice, you will accept the challenge. Start with 12, then slowly work up to 3 sets of 12.
Here are fives ways to help you develop the waist that you've been working towards. Once you've already begun to clean up your diet, your next step is to start an exercise routine .
Before you begin, set some goals for yourself
I will workout 5 days a week for at least 30-45 minutes.
I will clean up my diet by cutting back on sugars, salts, and fats.
I will invest in myself.
1. Bicycle Maneuver
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5 Ways to Work Your Core |
Lay down on your back, and place your hands gently behind your head. Slowly bend your knees until your right elbow meets your left knee. Then slowly release. Repeat the process by moving your left elbow to your right knee, and then release. For starters, try this exercise 12 times for one set.
Crunches on Exercise Ball
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5 Ways to Work Your Core |
Vertical Leg Crunch
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5 Ways to Work Your Core |
Torso Track
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5 Ways to Work Your Core |
Long Arm Crunch
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5 Ways to Work Your Core |
On Repeat: Wish You Well -Thousand Foot Krutch
Sometimes love, feels like pain, and sometimes I wonder if it's all the same, sometimes life, feels just like rain, cause you never know, when it's gonna
fall down on you
I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself
Sometimes faith, feels like doubt, and sometimes I wonder if we'll even get out, sometimes life hurts just like now, but ya gotta know, it's all gonna
come back around
I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself
find yourself,
I can't help you find yourself,
find yourself..
and we were sixteen at the time, nothing could ever change our minds, we were one step below invincible, and we always fought it, you've never been the
same, you were so scared to make a name, then you threw it all away, and i wish you'd come back now.
I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself, I wish you well,
I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find you
I wish you well, I wish you well, on this trip to find yourself, I wish you well, wish I could help, but I can't help you find yourself
find yourself,
I can't help you find yourself,
find yourself,
I can't help you find yourself...
Video Of The Week: Hilary Duff's Pregnancy Secrets
You guys Hilary Duff is my favorite actress I JUST LOVE HER! And 2 weeks ago I saw this video it was hilarious, enjoy ;)
lol, want some more?
haha she's amazing!
Beauty: Half Moon Nails
Saw an article on Lauren Conrad's half moon nails, it's so pretty! Thought I'd share it with you guys ehum girls ;)
STEP 1: Start with clean, bare, filed nails. Apply 1 to 2 coats of the silver polish (depending on the coverage of the polish) to your whole nail. Let the polish dry for at least 30 minutes. TIP: It is important your nails are dry before placing the reinforcement stickers on them or else the stickers will peel off the polish and you will have to start all over again.
STEP 2: Once nails are completely dry, place a reinforcement sticker on each nail, mimicking the shape of the moon of your nail. Cutting a slit in each sticker will allow the stickers lay more evenly on each nail. Apply pressure to each, making sure they are secure to your nail. Now paint the top half or your nail with 2 coats of navy blue polish. Let this coat dry for at least 10 minutes.
STEP 3: Once that's dry, carefully pull the reinforcement stickers off each nail.
STEP 4: Finish with a clear top coat.
Here's a tutorial ;)
It's so cute! I'm definitely gonna try it out and I'll post a picture IF I can do it.
The Same Different
Open house today was so much fun! I missed my girls! I just hope that 5 years from now- when we'll be studying in college- we'll still be friends and laugh as hard as we always do. I know 'going your own way' is part of life but I just hope that we WON'T grow apart. That'd be really sad.
I don't believe that people change, I do believe that they grow up or don't. Sometimes feelings change that's normal but you can't completely change. You're who you are, there's no 'other' you, like when they go 'I'm not the person I was yesterday', I mean're still the same. Maybe smarter, taller or happier, or just bitchier (lol that word doesn't exist but you know what I mean)?
Last year ;) |
I know one thing for sure: I will never change but...I'll never stay the same ;)
It's just that I'll always be the tall, funny, super social girl.
But I don't know what God's gonna bring me next. Maybe I'll die tomorrow or turn into a total bitch. OK, kidding haha I won't turn into a bitch, that's not me.
What I'm trying to say is that I know who I am today but I don't know who I'll be tomorrow I don't know if there's gonna be a tomorrow. Nobody does. But I just hope that I'll never change, because honestly I don't want to. I don't want to grow up and become an old sulky lady. I hope that if I'll ever be 85 I will still be 13 deep down inside. Because Neverland is too beautiful to leave behind!
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