Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting anything for like forever! I just...ok I don't know how to say this...ehum ok I BROKE MY NOSE! ;s
Yup, that's right I broke it,I'm such an idiot. Anyway I'm okay and my nose still hurts a bit but I'm gonna be fine ;) I seriously laughed and cried like crazy, I was hyper haha I feel much better now.

Something's so wrong these days I'm really depressed. It's like everything's going wrong yeah to much going on 'on 'on hmmm ok I just wrote lyrics for my next song haha.
My friends keep asking me what's wrong. The truth is I don't know...I just stopped answering their calls, stopped laughing, stopped LIVING. Which is not normal 'cause I'm the biggest pink bubble you'll ever meet.
But I feel like there's this emptiness inside of me and it doesn't want to heal. I'm a total wreck.
I sleep a lot but still I feel so tired I almost fall asleep in class haha ok that only happened in math class lol.
Anyway I hate this feeling, I hate being a zombie no offense zombies are cool lol kidding ;)

Sorry for not posting anything for like forever! I just...ok I don't know how to say this...ehum ok I BROKE MY NOSE! ;s
Yup, that's right I broke it,
Something's so wrong these days I'm really depressed. It's like everything's going wrong yeah to much going on 'on 'on hmmm ok I just wrote lyrics for my next song haha.
My friends keep asking me what's wrong. The truth is I don't know...I just stopped answering their calls, stopped laughing, stopped LIVING. Which is not normal 'cause I'm the biggest pink bubble you'll ever meet.
But I feel like there's this emptiness inside of me and it doesn't want to heal. I'm a total wreck.
I sleep a lot but still I feel so tired I almost fall asleep in class haha ok that only happened in math class lol.
Anyway I hate this feeling, I hate being a zombie no offense zombies are cool lol kidding ;)
So, only 24 hours to go and I won't have to go to school anymore ok I have vacation for like two weeks but '"won't have to go anymore" sounds better right?
See laterz' Alligators ;P
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